Faithful 32x – December 2022 Releases

1.19.3 is out, and with it comes a new Faithful update! In this release we're mainly focusing on the newly added textures, be it the experimental features set to release in 1.20 or the textures meant specifically for 1.19.3, such as the vex. As always, we've also gone back to update some of our older existing textures to bring them up to contemporary standards of quality.
We hope you enjoy! Thanks for sticking with us!
December 2022 Pre-releases
Java 1.19.3Bedrock EditionDecember 2022 Releases
Java 1.18.2Java 1.17.1Java 1.16.5Java 1.15.2Java 1.14.4Java 1.13.2Java 1.12.2Java 1.11.2Java 1.10.2Java 1.9.4Java 1.8.9Java 1.7.10Java 1.6.4Java 1.4.6 (requires OptiFine or MCPatcher)Java Beta 1.7.3 (requires OptiFine or MCPatcher)Changelog
- Bamboo Block:
- Side (DMGaming, Pythagoras_314)
- Top (Aerod, Pythagoras_314)
- Bamboo Door (JogurciQ, Aerod)
- Bamboo Mosaic (Fred Figglehorn)
- Bamboo Planks (DMgaming, Pomi108)
- Bamboo Trapdoor (Juknum)
- Chiselled Bookshelf (JogurciQ)
- Stripped Bamboo Block:
- Side (DMgaming)
- Top (Aerod, Pythagoras_314)
- Camel (DMgaming)
- [Bedrock] NPC 1 (HARYA_)
- Hanging signs (DMgaming, Classy Cappy)
- Bamboo Door (DMgaming)
- Bamboo Sign (DMgaming)
- Scaffolding (DMgaming)
- Amethyst Block (DMgaming)
- Bee Nest (Pythagoras_314)
- Sea Pickle (HARYA_)
- Chiselled Polished Blackstone (DMgaming)
- Stripped Acacia Log Side (Aerod)
- Stripped Birch Log Side (HARYA_, Aerod)
- Bamboo Stalk (Aerod)
- Beacon (Evorp)
- Nether Sprouts (HARYA_, Adrien_Sama)
- Vex [Old model] (Aerod)
- Vex [New model] (Aerod, Pomi108)
- Villager, Zombie Villager and Illager head bottoms (Aerod)
- Mutton (Aerod)
- Cooked Mutton (Aerod)
- Sea Pickle (HARYA_)
- Fishing Rods (DMgaming)
- Bread (Evorp)
Java GUI:
- Creative Inventory Tabs [Updated to 1.19.3 format] (Classy Cappy)
- Chat Tags [Updated to 1.19.3 format] (Aerod)
Bedrock UI:
- Construction Recipe Icon (DMgaming)
- jungle_sign using outdated log texture (Pomi108)
- zombified_piglin nostrils being inconsistent (Wooferscoots)