Faithful 32x – October 2022 Releases

UPDATE: We've now released a hotfix that addresses some breaking issues with Iron and Diamond Horse Armour. We're taking this opportunity to also introduce other, unrelated textures that have been added to the pack since the initial post was made. The changelog below has been updated accordingly.
It's been some time since the last update, but we assure you that it was for good reason. Our artists have been hard at work drawing all the textures that are still missing from the pack. They've done such a great job at it that Faithful 32x for Java legacy versions is now fully complete! That's right, every single texture from every Java release version is now finished. PVP players rejoice!
We're also slowly inching our way to completing the Bedrock pack as well. As is tradition, the main focus of new Bedrock textures is UI, but we also have some long-awaited newcomers such as the Ender Chest in GUI and the End Portal and Gateway items.
Additionally, we're now supporting textures provided by the Fabric and Forge mod loaders, as well as the Fabric Mod Menu, in the main Faithful 32x pack. This release includes the first batch of these. And as always, we've also redone quite a lot old textures that needed to be brought up to modern quality standards.
Have fun playing with the pack!
October 2022 Releases
Java 1.19.2Java 1.18.2Java 1.17.1Java 1.16.5Java 1.15.2Java 1.14.4Java 1.13.2Java 1.12.2Java 1.11.2Java 1.10.2Java 1.9.4Java 1.8.9Java 1.7.10Java 1.6.4Java 1.4.6 (requires OptiFine or MCPatcher)Java Beta 1.7.3 (requires OptiFine or MCPatcher)October 2022 Pre-releases
Bedrock EditionChangelog
- [Bedrock] Ender Chest GUI model textures (DMgaming)
- [1.6 and below] Rose (Evorp)
- [1.12 and below] Raw Fish (Evorp)
- [1.12 and below] Cooked Fish (Evorp)
- [1.8 and below] Boat (Evorp)
- [Bedrock] End Portal (Pomi108, Evorp)
- [Bedrock] End Gateway (Pomi108, Evorp)
- [1.8 and below] Arrows (Evorp)
- [Bedrock] Scientist 10 NPC (HARYA_)
- [1.8 and below] Boat (miniluv73, Pomi108)
- [Bedrock] Construction 1 NPC (Jamiscus)
- [Bedrock] Construction 2 NPC (Jamiscus, HARYA_)
- [Bedrock] Construction 4 NPC (Jamiscus, HARYA_)
- [Bedrock] Scientist 1 NPC (Jamiscus)
- [Bedrock] Apiary 5 NPC (Jamiscus)
- [1.4–1.13] Legacy Villagers (Pomi108)
- [1.15 and below] Zombie Pigman (Pomi108)
- [1.4–1.8] Legacy Zombie Villager (No profession) (Pomi108)
- [1.6–1.12] All Legacy Horses (DMgaming)
- [1.6–1.12] Legacy Donkey (DMgaming)
- [1.6–1.12] Legacy Mule (DMgaming)
- [1.6–1.12] Legacy Horse Armour (DMgaming)
- [1.6–1.12] Legacy Horse Markings (DMgaming)
- [1.9–1.13] All Legacy Zombie Villager Professions (Pomi108)
- [1.9–1.13] Sweep (Evorp)
Java GUI:
- [1.4–1.13] Legacy Villager GUI (Pomi108)
Mod Loader Textures:
- Fabric:
- Creative Buttons (Aerod)
- Forge:
- Version Check Icons (Aerod)
- Experimental Warning (Jamiscus)
- Icons (Aerod)
Bedrock UI:
- New Icon (HARYA_)
- Book Spine (IronDuke)
- Restore Icon (DMgaming)
- Big Promo Gift (IronDuke)
- Purple Border (IronDuke, Jamiscus)
- Paste (DMgaming)
- Square "donut" (DMgaming)
- Round "donut" (DMgaming)
- Bookmark (IronDuke)
- Star (IronDuke)
- Promo Tag (DMgaming)
- Blue Heart (DMgaming)
- Red Heart (DMgaming)
- Normal Button With/Without Stroke (Pomi108)
- Button Border (Light) (Bottom Right) (Pomi108)
- Dressing Room Skins (Pomi108)
- Featured Gift (Pomi108, Hozz)
- Square Gift (Pomi108, Hozz)
- Holiday Promo Gifts (Pomi108, Hozz)
- Header Bar 2 (Pomi108)
- Hint Bursts (Pomi108)
- Normal Stroke Button (yes, that's different from the other ones) (Pomi108)
- Pocket Tabs (Pomi108)
- Refresh (Light) (Pomi108)
- Side Drawer Left Panel (Pomi108)
- Side Panel Buttons (Pomi108)
- Character Creator Face Accessory Icon (Pomi108)
- Character Creator Feet Icon (Pomi108)
- Character Creator Hair Icon (Pomi108)
- Character Creator Outerwear Icon (Pomi108)
- Character Creator Tops Icon (Pomi108)
- Trash Icons (Aerod)
- Default Book Trash (Aerod, DMgaming)
- Default Trash (Aerod, DMgaming)
- Right Promo Corner (DMgaming)
- Left Promo Corner (Aerod)
- Book UI textures (DMgaming, Aerod)
- Dressing Room Customisation (DMgaming)
- Sunset Time Icon (Wooferscoots)
- Midnight Time Icon (Wooferscoots)
- Night Time Icon (Aerod)
- Profile Screen Icon (IronDuke, DMgaming)
- Portfolio Book Frame (DMgaming)
- Slot Frame (Aerod)
- Mine/Chop/Dig Animation (DMgaming, Pomi108)
Realms GUI:
- Checkmark (Pomi108, Evorp)
- End Rod (Nyodex)
- Barrel Top (Nyodex)
- Exposed Copper (Aerod)
- Weeping Vines (Aerod)
- Chiselled Nether Bricks (Nyodex)
- Tinted Glass (Nyodex)
- Purple Glazed Terracotta (Nyodex)
- Moss Block (Aerod)
- Pumpkins (Aerod)
- Stripped Oak Log (Aerod)
- Stripped Crimson Stem (Aerod)
- Stripped Warped Stem (Aerod)
- Lodestone Side (EachMenderKhai)
- Sea Pickle (Aerod)
- Jungle Log (HARYA_)
- Bubble Coral Block (HARYA_)
- Sculk Vein (Aerod)
- [1.16 and below] Lapis Ore (Aerod)
- Name Tag (Nyodex)
- Chicken (Nyodex)
- Brick (Nyodex)
- Nether Brick (Nyodex)
- Potatoes (Aerod, Nyodex)
- Tropical Fish (Nyodex)
- Tropical Fish Bucket (Nyodex)
- Blaze Powder (Evorp)
- All Shovels (Nyodex)
- All Swords (Nyodex, Fabri, Reia, Evorp, Aerod, Jamiscus, Fred figglehorn)
- All Axes (Nyodex)
- All Hoes (Nyodex)
- All Pickaxes (Nyodex)
- Hopper (Nyodex, Evorp)
- Sweet Berries (Nyodex)
- Glow Berries (Nyodex)
- Spawn Egg (Aerod)
- Spyglass Model (EachMenderKhai)
- Spider Eye (Aerod)
- Beetroot Seeds (Aerod)
- Saddle (Aerod)
- Wheat (Aerod)
- All Villager Profession Levels (Nyodex)
- Chicken (Nyodex)
- Skeleton (Nyodex)
- Ravager (Aerod)
- Donkey (DMgaming)
- Mule (DMgaming)
- Wither Skeleton (Nyodex)
- All Horses (except skeleton horse) (DMgaming)
- All Llamas (DMgaming)
- Stray (Nyodex)
- All Horse Armour (DMgaming)
Status Effects:
- Bad Omen (DMgaming)
- Glowing (Nyodex)
- Weakness (Nyodex)
- Strength (Nyodex)
- Speed (Aerod)
- Mining Fatigue (Aerod)
- Netherite (Aerod, DMgaming)
- Leather (DMgaming)
- Moon Phases (Nyodex)
Java GUI:
- Beacon (DMgaming)
- Book (Aerod)
- Brewing Stand (Blaze Powder Slot) (Evorp)
Bedrock UI:
- Copy (DMgaming)
- More Dots (Evorp)
- New Confirm Hover (DMgaming)
- Confirm (DMgaming)
- Cancel (DMgaming)
- Beacon Pyramid Levels (DMgaming)
- Craft Toggle (DMgaming)
- Toggle (DMgaming)
- Sunrise Time Icon (Wooferscoots)
- Day Time Icon (Wooferscoots)
- Noon Time Icon (Wooferscoots)
- Empty Brewing Fuel (Evorp)
- Iron Pickaxe Icon (Evorp, Nyodex)
- Default Like (Aerod)
- Sword Icon (Nyodex et al.)
- Tooltip Chevrons (Aerod)
Realms GUI:
- Cross Icon (DMgaming)
- Reject Icon (DMgaming)
- Single-pixel colour issue in comparator (DMgaming)
- Accidental extra colour in sandstone_bottom (Wooferscoots)
- Single-pixel colour issue in spruce_leaves (Wooferscoots)
- Mixels and a missing colour in blaze_rod texture (Evorp)
- [Bedrock] Enchantment table GUI XP level indicators using outdated textures compared to Java (Aerod)
- [Bedrock] Wrong palette and framing in portalBg (Aerod)
- Misplaced outline pixel in flint (Aerod)
- Tiling issues with black spots in birch_log_top (Evorp)
- Missing/transparent area in horse_skeleton (DMgaming)
- Missing diagonal streaks in tinted_glass CTM (Nyodex)
- [Bedrock] icon_sign Bedrock UI using outdated sign texture (Aerod)
- [Bedrock] Inconsistencies between promo_corner_left and promo_corner_right (Aerod)
- polished_blackstone missing some skull patterns that exist in the vanilla texture (Fred figglehorn)