Compliance 64x Beta 3

With a bit of a delay, the update is finally here with a lot of cool additions and changes. Look at this cute little panda. More blocks are now completed such as: the tall fern, oxidized copper and honey comb block. In addition, we are bringing you villagers, and some of their clothes, as well as spitting llamas and ender chests. This update also includes the redoing of some very old textures from the earlier versions. And as always, take care of yourself and stay tuned for more updates!
1.18.x for Java Edition
CurseForge1.18.x for Bedrock Edition
- Double Fern (HARYA_)
- Raw Copper Block (HARYA_)
- Oxidized Cut Copper (HARYA_)
- Honeycomb Block (HARYA_)
- Exposed Copper Block (HARYA_)
- Tadpole Eggs (Bedrock Only) (HARYA_)
- Bundle (EachMenderKhai)
- Clock (EachMenderKhai & Evorp)
- Ender Chest (HARYA_)
- Tabby Cat (HARYA_)
- Villager Shepherd (HARYA_)
- Villager Armorer (HARYA_)
- Villager Toolsmith (HARYA_)
- Villager Butcher (HARYA_)
- Villager Carthographer (HARYA_)
- Villager Librarian (HARYA_)
- Villager Farmer (HARYA_)
- Pillager (HARYA_)
- Vindicator (HARYA_)
- Cream Llama (HARYA_)
- Brown Llama (HARYA_)
- Gray Llama (HARYA_)
- White Llama (HARYA_)
- Silverfish (HARYA_)
- Guardian Beam (Zeuselpro)
- Llama Decors (Zeuselpro)
- Minecart (Zeuselpro)
- Tropical Fish Pattern (Zeuselpro)
- Polar Bear (Zeuselpro)
- Witch (Zeuselpro)
- Panorama (Sei)
- Stonecutter (DMgaming)
- Bundle (DMgaming)
- Edition (PedroESP_01)
- Tabs (PedroESP_01)
- Dirt (HARYA_)
- Grass Block Side (HARYA_)
- Podzol Side (HARYA_)
- Mycelium Side (HARYA_)
- Dirt Path Side (HARYA_)
- Grass Block Side Snow (HARYA_)
- Coarse Dirt (HARYA_)
- Observer (HARYA_)
- Blast Furnace (HARYA_)
- Piston (HARYA_)
- Bedrock (HARYA_)
- Polished Granite (HARYA_)
- Cauldron Side (HARYA_)
- Warped Trapdoor (HARYA_)
- Purple Pillar Top (HARYA_)
- Quartz Pillar (HARYA_)
- Campfire Fire (HARYA_)
- All Logs Top (HARYA_)
- Fern (HARYA_ & TheMaison)
- Amethyst Buds (EachMenderKhai)
- Diamond Block (Evorp)
- Gold Block (Evorp)
- Iron Block (Evorp)
- Redstone Lamp (Evorp)
- Smoker Bottom (Evorp)
- Stonecutter Top (Evorp)
- Cactus Bottom (Evorp)
- Detector Rail (Evorp)
- Repeater (Evorp)
- Dark Prismarine (FHLX)
- Dark Prismarine (Po3stell3d)
- Campfire (HARYA_)
- Soul Campfire (HARYA_)
- Dried Kelp (HARYA_)
- Chestplates (HARYA_)
- Ender Pearl (Evorp)
- Ender Eye (Evorp)
- Potions (Evorp)
- Chorus Fruit (EachMenderKhai)
- Diamond (Fabri)
- Axes (Fabri)
- Carrots (EachMenderKhai & Evorp)
- Swords (DMgaming)
- Emerald outline color (Evorp)