Compliance 32x Beta 11

Part 1 of Caves and Cliffs is here, and our awesome contributors have already delivered plenty of textures for it! Enjoy the all-new mobs and blocks of the update: Discover the stunningly beautiful amethyst geodes and brutally slaughter masses of glow squids for glow ink sacs, only to find out that both of these features only have a single practical use. Now you can perform any of these, and much more, with the beauty of high-quality double-the-resolution textures! Oh, and also axolotls. Who doesn't love axolotls?
1.17 for Java Edition
GitHubCurseForge1.17.0 for Bedrock Edition
- Amethyst Block (Pythagoras_314)
- Amethyst Cluster ([author name redacted])
- Azalea Leaves (Hozz, Sei)
- Azalea Plant and Side (Deborn)
- Big Dripleaf (EachMenderKhai, PeJohn, Sei)
- All Candles (Redcoke26, Sei, Pomi108, various others)
- All Lit Candles (HARYA_)
- Budding Amethyst (Pythagoras_314, Hozz)
- Calcite (THEMAISON)
- Cave Vines (Sei)
- Chiselled Deepslate (Fabri)
- Cobbled Deepslate (LethalChicken)
- Copper Block (Nyodex)
- Copper Ore (LethalChicken)
- Cracked Deepslate Bricks (HARYA_)
- Cracked Deepslate Tiles (Fabri)
- Cut Copper (Corb)
- Deepslate (LethalChicken)
- Deepslate Bricks (Fabri)
- Deepslate Ores (LethalChicken)
- Deepslate Tiles (Fabri)
- Dripstone Block (Fabri)
- Exposed Cut Copper (Corb)
- Flowering Azalea Leaves (Hozz, EachMenderKhai, SoulSand101)
- Flowering Azalea Side (EachMenderKhai, SoulSand101, HARYA_)
- Glow Item Frame (EachMenderKhai, Juknum)
- Glow Lichen (EachMenderKhai)
- Hanging Roots (Pythagoras_314)
- Large Amethyst Bud (Pythagoras_314)
- Light ([author name redacted])
- Lightning Rod ([author name redacted], Aerod)
- Medium Amethyst Bud (Pythagoras_314)
- Moss Block (Pythagoras_314)
- Oxidised Copper (Sei)
- Oxidised Cut Copper (Corb)
- Pointed Dripstone (Pythagoras_314)
- Polished Deepslate (LethalChicken)
- Potted Azalea Bush (HARYA_)
- Potted Flowering Azalea Bush (HARYA_)
- Powder Snow (okDiamond)
- Rooted Dirt (Tekayo)
- Sculk Sensor (ProstoProstoChelovek, Pythagoras_314, EachMenderKhai)
- Small Amethyst Bud (Pythagoras_314)
- Small Dripleaf (EachMenderKhai, Sei)
- Smooth Basalt (SoulSand101)
- Spore Blossom (BellPepperBrian)
- Tinted Glass (Juknum)
- Tuff (Fractalis, Pomi108, PeJohn)
- All Axolotls (Sei)
- Glow Squid (THEMAISON)
- Amethyst Shard (Nyodex)
- Axolotl Bucket ([author name redacted], EachMenderKhai)
- All Candles (Deborn, ProstoProstoChelovek)
- Bundles (Deborn)
- Copper Ingot (Pythagoras_314)
- Glow Berries (Fabri)
- Glow Ink Sac ([author name redacted])
- Glow Item Frame (EachMenderKhai)
- Lights ([author name redacted])
- Pointed Dripstone (Pythagoras_314)
- Powder Snow Bucket (LethalChicken)
- Raw Copper (HARYA_)
- Raw Gold (LethalChicken)
- Raw Iron (LethalChicken)
- Spyglass ([author name redacted])
- Spyglass Scope (Po3stell3d)
- Spyglass Model (Cryptogenic)
- Glow (Nyodex)
- Vibration (ProstoProstoChelovek)
- Freezing Hearts (Sei)
- Smoker Top (Pomi108)
- Smoker Bottom (Pomi108)
- All Ores (LethalChicken)
- Red Dye (HARYA_)
- Ender Pearl (Aerod)
- Heart of the Sea ([author name redacted])
- End Crystal (DMGaming)
- Grindstone ([author name redacted])
- Title Screen Panorama (Sei)
- Bark on crimson and warped signs (CLtheman1)