Classic Faithful 32x Jappa

A double resolution texture pack that continues Vattic’s classic faithful style today.

Initially part of the “Emulated Vattic Textures” project, or “EM” for short, the pack was designed to fix the stylistic shift that came under the leadership of Kraineff and later the Compliance / Faithful Administration. The main Faithful pack’s art direction shifted to something quite different to the original work Vattic had made, opting instead for a much more detailed, modern style to go along with the new textures the texture artist Jappa had made starting versions 1.14 inclusive. However, it left many people wondering about the state of the “old style” and if it would ever return.

Now, this original, “painted” style is back, officially.


Latest Versions

1.20.2 for Java Edition

Latest Release for Bedrock Edition

Legacy Versions

1.20.1 for Java Edition

1.19.4 for Java Edition

1.19.3 for Java Edition

1.19.0 - 1.19.2 for Java Edition

1.18.X for Java Edition

1.17.X for Java Edition

1.16.X for Java Edition

1.15.X for Java Edition

1.14.X for Java Edition

1.13.X for Java Edition

1.12.X for Java Edition

1.11.X for Java Edition

1.10.X for Java Edition

1.9.X for Java Edition

1.8.X for Java Edition

1.7.X for Java Edition

1.6.X for Java Edition

Alternate Listings

GitHub for Java Edition

GitHub for Bedrock Edition

GitHub for Add-ons


Planet Minecraft