Glowing Ores LabPBR1.3 ver.


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  • Faithful
    • 32x & 64x
      • Bordered version
  • Classic Faithful
    • 32x & 64x
      • Bordered version


You can also use the normal 32x versions for PapaChef's Faithful PBR addon since his 32x addon does not supply maps for ore textures


Idk how to do the new format yet, I'm kinda learning shader stuff again so give me some time lol

Perhaps will make this addon page have both formats once I learn how the new one works

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Why this addon when there's two emissive ore addons already?! :ppp

If you are using a resource pack/addon which follows the LabPBR material standard you are unable to use OptiFine's emissive textures feature as the LabPBR format has its very own way of rendering emissiveness by using the alpha channel of the specular map texture. This addon fixes this problem by supplying the correct files which will work with LabPBR requirements.

Note: This pack is using the LabPBR format 1.3 (For OF this is defined by the file inside the assets/minecraft/optifine folder) Make sure the Shader you are using supports the 1.3 LabPBR format or this addon might not work! Note that on some shaderpacks you may also need to visit "Material" settings or similar and enable/toggle the shader to use the correct LabPBR format.

To read more regarding the LabPBR material standard check here .

The Addon should work on most versions - atleast I think the addon should work up to the version when the "blocks" folder was renamed to "block", since the addon uses the new naming format but the ore filenames did not change in that time iirc.


Supported Editions
Java Edition
Supported Packs


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Add-on ID: 330

Last Updated: 9/8/2024


Faithful 64Faithful 32Classic Faithful 64Classic Faithful 32 JappaClassic Faithful 32 ProgArtPapaChef Faithful PBR 64 Compat